Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Job Opening for Experienced Personnel in 2010 Games

I have received numerous emails and comments from retired personnel and other experienced professionals regarding jobs and services in the 2010 commonwealth games.

The organizing committee has selected volunteers from different colleges of Delhi University, now they are inviting application for other posts at administrative and non-administrative level.

Directors: Post Graduates/ MBA’s with 8 years of experience in planning, strategy and operations.

Project Officers: Graduated/Post Graduates/MBA's with 4 years of experience in organizing/planning/operational skills.

The jobs are multifunctional and include security, accommodation, ticketing and other services.

Special: For Armed forces and other government officers (both in service and retired) of the level of captain/major/colonel are eligible for the post of project officer and directory respectively. Persons involved in sports/games administration may also apply.

How to Apply:

Visit www.cwgdelhi2010.org for more information. Apply through email at careers@cwgdelhi2010.org, or by post superscribing on the envelope the position and functional area applied for to:

Deputy Director General - HR,
Organizing Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi,
New Delhi City Centre Tower - II, Opposite Jantar Mantar,
Jai Singh Road, New Delhi - 110001

For searching more government jobs visit: Government Jobs in India