Thursday, July 29, 2010

MCD Objects on the Layout Plan of Karni Singh Shooting Range

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) refused on Wednesday to approve the layout plan of the Dr Karni Singh Shooting Range.

According to councilors, since the proposal for widening of the Shooting Range Road is stuck due to various reasons, MCD will not approve the layout plan for the stadium till the road widening matter is resolved.

Sarita Chaudhary, councilor of the area, said: ‘‘I have been demanding widening of this road for over three years now but nothing has been done. The road, which has been upgraded and improved recently, is only 20 meters wide. Since this road has a lot
of curves it can lead to accidents. As per the Master Plan-2021, this road has been demarcated as a 60-meter-wide road and I have therefore been asking officials to widen it by another 40 meters.’’

According to Chaudhary, since the ridge area falls near the shooting range, issues regarding cutting of trees had been raised.

‘‘Even if they take up widening of the road after the Games, I want this matter to be resolved before that. They might construct offices etc during the Games which could come in the way of widening the road so it is best that everything is sorted out before the layout plan is approved. I want MCD officials to demarcate the area necessary for widening of the road.’’

Said a civic official: ‘‘We will now come up with a time bound plan to resolve this matter.’’